White Bridge Farm
Review Summary
Karen Z - Jul 2024
Overall rating
Dit was 'n awesome naweek.
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It was an awesome weekend.
We really enjoyed it and had a great stay.
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Samuel S - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Great stay at a charming, well stocked cottage in Wolseley.
Anonymous Guest - May 2024
Overall rating
It was a bit dirty, few amenities in the house.
Unfortunately not too nice.
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Celeste T - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Beautiful setting, comfortable accommodation.
Jonathan H - Apr 2022
Overall rating
Romantic, cozy, peaceful.
White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Johathan,
Thank you for your nice review and we would love to see you back here again.
Have a great week.
Marianna P - Jan 2022
Overall rating
In die natuur.
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In nature.
Pleasant place, a bit tight for big people who have to sleep upstairs. Was in nature and had a great time by the river.
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Marisca V - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Mooi area, slegte diens, slegte ervaring.
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Nice area, bad service, bad experience.
No reception, called owner but she was very inept on the phone. There was no number or indication of which room was ours (no number on door). The house was full of spiders. Other guests tried to get into our room that night and then hung out outside our door until 4 in the morning.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Liewe Marisca, ek is baie jammer oor jou ongelukkige ervaring en die totale misverstand dat ek onbeskof was. Soos jy genoem het, was die sein swak en ek kon hoor dat jy haastig was. Daar was 'n brief in jou verwelkomingskoevert wat vir jou presies verduidelik waar jou kamer is. Jy het dit nie gesien toe jy jou sleutel gekry het nie. Waar dit die spinnekoppe betrek, kan ek net omverskoning vra. Ons is op 'n plaas en dankbaar dat ons in 'n gesonde ekologie en omgewing woon. Ons kyk wel vir spinnekoppe, maar ongelukkig glip sommige van tyd tot tyd deur, dit is maar net die plaas lewe. Met betrekking tot die steurnis, ek was heeltemal onbewus hiervan. Ons woon hier reg langs jou kamer en was totaal onbewus van die steurnis wat jy ervaar het. As jy ons gewaarsku het sou ons beslis ingegryp het en is net so jammer ons het nie daarvan geweet nie. Ek vertrou dat u ons nederigste verskonings sal aanvaar en weet dat u, ons gaste vir ons uiters belangrik is en ons neem u kommentaar baie ernstig op. Ons hoop dat julle 'n heerlike fees in ons omgewing gehad het en alles geniet het wat Witzenberg te bied he. Ons hoop dat jy weer sal kom vir 'n beter ervaring.
Wilma F - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Het slegs oorgeslaap, maar was rustige omgewing en het dit aangenaam gevind.
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Only slept over but was peaceful environment and found it pleasant.
Lovely, peaceful surroundings with the river rippling just below the stoep. Would have preferred just 2 single beds upstairs for bigger kids. Very cute place.
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Hilton C - Jun 2021
Overall rating
Nice peaceful stay, resting in the mountains
Sakkie B - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Stil en rustig.
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Quiet and peaceful.
Great for a weekend getaway. Quiet and peaceful in nature. Breathtakingly beautiful among the mountains.
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Alex S - May 2021
Overall rating
Baie rustig en stil vir 'n wegbreeknaweek.
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Very peaceful and quiet for a weekend getaway.
Very nice quiet getaway for a weekend.
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Tertia V - Feb 2021
Overall rating
'n Aangename oornagplekkie, met die al die nodige fasiliteite
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A pleasant place to stay overnight, with all the necessary facilities
The place is quite adequate for an overnight stay, and has beautiful views of the mountains and surroundings. However, it is located very close to the main road, which is a bit disturbing. The bathroom is also not very practical. (Perhaps a sliding door would be a better option). Unfortunately the river was dry (which no one had control over) but I believe it would be a very special place if the river ran.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Baie Dankie vir jou opmerkings. Ons vat alles kop toe en dit help ons beter te maak.
Steven S - Jan 2021
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Dogs a bit of a problem. Mosquitoes disturbing. Our previous stay in Hermanus was for the same money with a nice breakfast.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Steven,
Thank you for your message and I am really sorry to hear about your experience. I will check up on this immediately and make sure it does not happen again. We aim to do our best and its reminders like yours that there has to be constantly checking up on processes.
May you have a great day and week ahead.
Charlene H - Apr 2021
Overall rating
Read moreWhite Bridge Farm 's response
Goeie dag Charlene. Ek is werklik baie geskok oor wat jy hier geskryf het en maak geen verskoning nie en is baie jammer vir jou ongerief. Die stof en miere en hoofsaaklik die kos in die yskas is heeltemal onaanvaarbaar en ons is besig om met die verantwoordelike persone hieroor te gesels.
Dit is die eerste keer wat ons hoor van ;n skok in die stort. Ons is alreeds besig om aandag te gee hieraan.
Ek is jammer dat jy gevoel het dat jy nie jou venster kan oop los nie. Jy sou oplet dat in ons huis langsaan het ons ook geen dieweering en slaap met ons slaapkamer deur oop. As ons nie veilig gevoel het nie, sou ons nie vir ons gaste in daardie situasie gesit het nie. Ek verstaan almal voel nie soos ons nie so ek verstaan jou bekommernis.
Ek se weer jammer vir jou onaangename ondervinding en ons vat dit baie erenstig op en sal doen wat ons kan om reg te stel, die wat ons kan.
Mooi dag - Verskoon die taal gebruik
Leona T - Dec 2021
Overall rating
Goeie ligging en omring deur pragtige berge en boorde maar blyplek baie teleurstellend.
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Good location and surrounded by beautiful mountains and orchards but place to stay very disappointing.
The owner emailed me to make sure we wanted to keep our reservation because the pictures of the cottages by the river are not where we will be staying. I wanted to make sure about the location and it was fine. The biggest problem was the cleanliness. The linen was not clean, neither were the blinds and we had to clean both braai facilities ourselves before use. The bed is as hard as the ground. The location is beautiful but I cannot recommend the place to anyone.
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Suzette T - Jan 2020
Overall rating
Heerlike vakansieplek.
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Great vacation spot.
Comfortable accommodation with everything you need. Nature is incredibly beautiful with hundreds of different birds that wake you up in the morning. Badgers on the rocks with the river running in the background. Just what you need away from the city noise.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Baie dankie vir jou mooi woorde. Ek is so bly dat jy die naweek geniet het. Dit se baie van n mens what hulle waar end raak sien en geniet. Jy het duidelik al die mooi natuur en voels en diere eervaar.
Baie dankie en ons wens vir u die mooiste jaar vorentoe.
David F - Sep 2020
Overall rating
The hosts are very friendly and helpful. Loved the atmosphere of the place.
White Bridge Farm 's response
Thank you so much for your kind review and I am pleased you enjoyed your visit. Have a wonderful week ahead.
Elzane K - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Baie mooi houthuis in die natuur.
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Very nice wooden house in nature.
The cottage's location is perfect, when you walk out the front door you are welcomed by the Breede River on the porch. The cars from the main road can be heard but didn't bother us at all. Will definitely visit the cottage again.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Goeiedag Elzane,
Baie dankie vir jou positiewe uitsig. Ons waardeur die tyd wat jy vat om te skryf.
Mooidag en week voerentoe.
Dr Piérrie D - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Asemrowend en plein lekker.
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Breathtaking and downright delicious.
Riverside location. Fireplace for the cold. Close to wine farms and other tourist attractions. Incredibly helpful owners.
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Annelize M - Aug 2020
Overall rating
'n Snoesige huisie met kaggel. Rustig met die geruis van die rivier.
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A cozy little house with a fireplace. Quiet with the murmur of the river.
If you fancy a break from the city, White bridge farm is the place. Ride visit, visit. There is only tranquility and the sound of nature.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Dankie Annelize,. Ek is baie bly dat jy jou tyd hier geniet het.
Mooi week voerentoe.
Francois V - Oct 2020
Overall rating
We really enjoyed our stay and the area.
Jeanette M - Dec 2020
Overall rating
Cozy, rustic cottage next to a river. Just beautiful.
Deon B - Mar 2020
Overall rating
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Maintenance of the building isn't up to standard, neglected.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Deon,
I am sorry about your experience. We take criticism very seriously and will undertake to address this as soon as we have got through this current nightmare. Everyone in our industry has been so badly affected. Both cabins are due for an upgrade this winter, but under the circumstances, we are not sure how that will pan out.
We will be doing our best to recover from this global travesty.
Keep safe.
Gillian N - Dec 2019
Overall rating
What a beautiful little cabin, we were in love with the mountain surrounding us and calm setting in nature!
Read moreSherry J - Jun 2019
Overall rating
The setting was beyond gorgeous and the rustic cabin was perfect for the setting.
White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Sherry,
Thank you for the lovely message. It says so much about a person when they are able to appreciate the beautiful surroundings that nature had provided us with.
We are so pleased you enjoyed your visit.
White Bridge Farm
Suzel V - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Die rustigheid en warmte van cabin is perfek vir 'n wintersnaweek!
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The tranquility and warmth of cabin is perfect for a winter weekend!
Very nice cozy place that is well equipped. The beautiful area and natural beauty around make it a very nice getaway place for a weekend!
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Baie dankie vir jou mooi woorde, Suzel. Ons is baie bly dat jy die naweek geniet het en dat julle die mooi omgewing geniet het.
Mooi week vorentoe en ons hoop om weer vir julle te sien.
Francois V - Jun 2019
Overall rating
Cosy cottage with beautiful surroundings and close to various scenic routes.
Read moreWhite Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Francois,
Thank you for taking the time out to write your lovely review. We do enjoy visitors who enjoy all the positives and make the most of their visit here.
You were also a lovely family and and we enjoyed meeting you. We are pleased you enjoyed your weekend.
Leon E - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Was teleurgesteld omdat ons verwag het alle eenhede se uitsig is soos per foto's wat nie die geval is vir die kamer-eenhede nie.
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Was disappointed because we expected all units view to be as per photos which is not the case for the room units.
Booked 2 x room units and is part of main residence. So, not at all the view and privacy as expected. I believe this is the case with the chalet units. Room units are simply furnished with outdated furniture. Only kitchenette in one of the two units. No privacy at the units if you want to hang out outside. Very friendly hostess.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Leon,
Thank you for your response and we take these matters very seriously. I am very sorry to hear that you were disappointed. I am currently taking this up with the agents you booked with as it is apparently not clear that you have booked guest rooms as opposed to river cabins as indicated on my site.
I understand fully what you would have preferred, but the rooms you got were specifically what you booked. I trust we can improve the representation for future guests.
We did enjoy meeting you and having you as guests.
Anonymous Guest - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Clean and tidy accommodation
Cottage was clean and tidy and well equipped. Accommodation too close to main road - traffic noisy even at night. I also realize that water needs to be conserved, but the shower was unpleasant with very little water.
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Gert V - Mar 2019
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The first place they gave us was not up to standard or clean at all. Semi-home shared with other people. Owner gave us another option which would cost us more. Which also lacks attention. First impression was shocking. Was very disappointed with the place. The people who were there with us were also very disappointed.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Thank you for giving me the chance to respond. I take criticism very seriously and do not in any way wish to shift responsibility. I will do all I can to give the matter a serious look into and avoid similar complaints in the future.
This booking was very unfortunate and a typical scenario when booked through a third party and where they have not communicated directly with the owners. I had a feeling that they would have preferred the other options available, but nonetheless, they continued to confirm a booking for this unit. The guest chose the budget option (R250.00 per person) and when the party arrived, having driven a long way from Northern Cape or Limpopo, his wife was not happy. I was not even able to offer an alternative, because when they came to see me, the irate guest said that even if there was another option, they would not be staying there. I would have offered them 2 separate units, one per couple and not charged anything extra if I had been given the chance.
I was also taken aback when she referred to the lovely Zimbabwean family who were in the other side of the semi as "ander mense". I had a feeling that these, so referred to as "ander mense", were an issue and in this lovely country of ours, there are people and people, and not "ander mense". I could be mistaken, but it was my interpretation of the statement made.
I am truly sorry that things did not live up to expectation and we will be discontinuing this unit as of May this year to avoid similar incidents. This is extremely disappointing, but so be it.
I sincerely hope that this group enjoyed their trip wherever they went in our beautiful Western Cape.
Guy M - Aug 2018
Overall rating
A serene stay on the Breede River with deliciously comfortable linen and magic fireplace.
Read moreWhite Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Guy,
Thank you so much for your lovely message. I am so pleased you enjoyed your visit and you obviously are one of those amazing people who see all the positives in live.
We hope to see you again in the future.
Trevor D - Jul 2018
Overall rating
What a beautiful setting. The host was more than friendly.
White Bridge Farm 's response
Thank you for your response. I am glad you enjoyed yourself, and we hope to see you again in the future.
Aldre R - Jul 2018
Overall rating
If it's peace and tranquility you are after, this is the place to visit.
White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Aldre,
Thank you so much for your wonderful comments. It takes special people to see and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us every day.
So glad you enjoyed your visit and we would love to see you return sometime.
Deirdre E - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Baie gemaklik, skoon en oulike huis. Pragtige omgewing. Sal graag weer besoek.
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Very comfortable, clean and cute house. Beautiful surroundings. Would love to visit again.
We had a lovely stay. The fireplace was great for keeping the room warm in the cold and rain. Surroundings are beautiful, view of the mountains is a big bonus and the river doubled in width in a matter of a day due to of the good rain. The name change of the cottage is very appropriate and interesting. The cute coffee mugs that match the Whiskey Yankee house were just an extra bonus.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Baie dankie vir jou mooi woorde. Ons is altyd bly as mense die mooi omgewing waardeer. Dankie ook vir die terugvoering op die Whiskey Yankee "branding". Ons hoop om vir julle weer te sien, in die toekoms.
Cori E - May 2018
Overall rating
Presies wat ek wou gehad het!
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Exactly what I wanted!
The sound of the water over the rocks lulled us to sleep while the fire crackled in the fireplace. Nice and cuddly in bed while it's cold outside. The backdrop of the mountains was the perfect canvas. Silence and peace everywhere while the birds sing. Really enjoyed it and will go again. The welcome gift was 100% a surprise! Pickled Aloe from Creative Hub!
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Trevor,
Thank you for your wonderful response and appreciation of our surrounding beauty. We are so pleased you enjoyed your stay and do hope you will return in the future.
Warmest wishes,
Jacques D - Dec 2018
Overall rating
Pragtige omgewing en heerlike verblyf.
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Beautiful surroundings and lovely accommodation.
See stars.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Dear Anneke,
Thank you for your lovely, positive response. I am so pleased you enjoyed your stay.
Every good wish for the year ahead.
Estelle L - May 2018
Overall rating
Rustig met pragtige uitsig.
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Quiet with a beautiful view.
Everything was very neat and clean. The fireplace is a plus as is the WiFi. Slept nice and warm despite the cold.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Baie dankie vir u terugvoering. Ons is bly dat jullie warm was, want die weer was maar erg.
Die kaggel is altyd lekker.
Lydia P - Apr 2018
Overall rating
Pragtige omgewing.
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Beautiful surroundings.
Friendly owners and beautiful surroundings. Would love to sleep in a cottage by the river next time. Thank you.
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White Bridge Farm 's response
Baie dankie vir jou terugvoering. Die rivier huisjes bly maar gewild en ons hoop dat jy wel terug kom, om in een van hulle te bly.
Anonymous Guest - Jul 2018
Overall rating
Quiet place for a couple.
Nice quiet weekend away from the busy city life.
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- Capacity: 13 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: R43, 8 km Wolseley, 6830, Western Cape