TravelGround blog
Category: Drakensberg

5 Enchanting Stone Cottages for Romantic Souls
If you’re planning a couples retreat before winter ends, a stone cottage with a cosy fireplace and snowy weather raging outside may just rekindle your fairy tale aspirations. TravelGround discovered a few cabins near whispering streams and towering mountains where you and your loved one can play Hansel and Gretel for a weekend. At Wyndford […]

South Africa: 15 Outstanding Facts
Sometimes we forget that some of our planet’s most unique phenomena are right here on bottom soil! TravelGround rounded up 15 outstanding facts about our beloved country that will blow your mind and remind you of the wonders within reach. And with us you can even spend a few nights close to these amazing spots! […]

The Ultimate Guys’ Getaway Guide in South Africa
When it comes to bonding with the blokes, an occasional drink after work or a quick game of squash between meetings sometimes doesn’t seem to cut it. What you need is an adrenaline-filled weekend alongside your best mates, away from your gruelling day job and tedious routine. Whether you’re planning a prenuptial escape for the […]

Explore these lesser known South African caves
There is just something about caves. When I see one in the side of a mountain, I can’t help but wonder what it looks like inside ─ Are there animals residing inside it? Did people ever live there? Are there any traces of their presence? If you are half as interested in caves as I […]

6 Magical Waterfalls in Mpumalanga
What better reward exists after a gruelling hike than total relaxation in a cool rock pool fed by a waterfall? The cascading water drowns out the qualms of everyday life, the fine mist is nature’s best air conditioner, and at a waterfall Dolly Parton’s First Law doesn’t apply – you can have a rainbow without […]

5 Water-Saving Travel Tips!
It should come as absolutely no surprise that South Africa is lacking some water (gigantic understatement). Our dam levels are well below 40% across the board, and dropping fast. Water restrictions have been put in place in all the major metropolitan areas and everyone everywhere is whispering about the neighbour hosing down his Audi every […]

10 Reasons to Travel Locally
We’re not delusional ─ comparing a local road trip to a jam-packed Euro trip, exotic island getaway or boat cruise on the Mediterranean is quite unrealistic, but definitely not because one is less fun than the other! We’re here to prove to you that a proper South African getaway has its own merits and can […]

10 ways to keep the kids happy on a roadtrip
Everyone looks forward to the December school holidays. Kids can’t wait to be done with school and parents swop the desk for the beach or a game park. However, there is one thing parents don’t miss about the holiday ─ the tedious trek with the worst back-seat drivers in the world ─ small humans strapped […]