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TravelGround blog

Category: Holiday

The Wilderness Experience

The first thing that comes to mind when I hear “wilderness experience” is a spiritual trial or gruelling journey that makes you a better person. But when I visited Wilderness, a small town along the Western Cape’s Garden Route, I discovered a place that is anything but gruelling. Renowned for its friendly hospitality and natural […]

Christmas Holiday Activities for Kids in Cape Town

With many weeks of school holidays ahead, continuing to find ways to keep your children entertained (and away from the TV) can seem a bit daunting. You can rest assured that there are plenty things to do in Cape Town that will keep kids from bouncing off the walls. Here are some great educational and […]

Crafty Christmas Gifts – Part 1

Those of you searching for the perfect Christmas gift for friends and family should know you’re not alone – especially if, like me, you leave things to the very last minute and then have to fight through hordes of deranged shoppers for that last tin of cookies. This year however, I’ve decided to kick-start the Christmas […]

Festive Table Decorations for Your Christmas Feast

We ladies at the office are spending way too much time on sites like Pinterest looking for great Christmas ideas. But we’re getting away with it, because instead of keeping all these inspiring ideas to ourselves, we’re sharing them with you. Just think of it as our little Christmas gift to you! I’ve been scrolling […]

2 Fantasy Film Sets you can Actually Visit

If you’re a fantasy-fanatic (proud or closeted), I am pleased to say that you will enjoy the following finds. I am a huge Harry Potter fan, and although I don’t have much love for The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit, I can safely say that I would still love to visit the locations […]

Tips to Brave Festive Season Shopping

It’s not a secret that the shops get unbearably full during the month of December, leading up to Christmas. Families are out in full force, irritating slow-walkers appear out of nowhere, and inconsiderate shoppers lose all sense of common decency. If you just can’t face the stress of the festive rush again this year, have […]

3 Cute Wildlife Babies, and Where to See Them

South Africa is blessed with a wide variety of wildlife, and has numerous Game Reserves and National Parks where these majestic animals can freely roam. As is the case with most animal species (humans included) babies are often far cuter (and misbehave far more) than their adult counterparts. We’ve rounded up three of the cutest […]

Carols by Candlelight in Gauteng

There’s something about a crowd of strangers singing in unison that makes my spirit feel fuzzy, alive, and well. It’s the perfect picture of a world in harmony – the essence of Christmas. If you are in the camp that thinks carols are a silly affair, I encourage you to join in the merry madness! […]