TravelGround blog
Category: West Coast

West Coast Twist: A Weekend at !Khwa ttu
The West Coast may be famous for its long sandy beaches, wild flowers, white-washed cottages and seafood buffets, but just beyond the dunes and off the R27, lies a cultural gem waiting to be discovered. !Khwa ttu San Culture and Education Centre offers a one-of-a-kind experience and TravelGround recently had the opportunity to explore this […]

Kitesurfing with Coastline in Cape Town
Have you ever dreamed of gliding through the air with the ocean beneath you? Are you looking for the next thrilling experience that you can tell all your mates about? Or are you an adventure seeker who wants to master something new while having some fun in the sun? Then kitesurfing lessons in Cape Town […]

5 Stunning Houseboat Getaways
Do you ever dream of a luxury cruise on the Mediterranean? Or drifting away into the sunset with your partner? Maybe you’ve fantasised about starboard stargazing while the ocean gently laps the hull of your private yacht. Unfortunately, this privilege is usually reserved for those with deep pockets. Well we’ve found the next best thing! […]

The Wandering Woman: 6 Spots for Women who Travel Solo
“The woman who walks alone is likely to find herself in places no one has ever been before.” – Albert Einstein You’ve travelled with friends, family or the kids, but now you’re looking for something completely different. Have you ever considered travelling by yourself? Imagine heading to the destination of your choice, doing exactly what […]

South Africa: 15 Outstanding Facts
Sometimes we forget that some of our planet’s most unique phenomena are right here on bottom soil! TravelGround rounded up 15 outstanding facts about our beloved country that will blow your mind and remind you of the wonders within reach. And with us you can even spend a few nights close to these amazing spots! […]

A Throwback to Last Year’s Wildflower Season
If it’s August already, it means the wildflower season is officially upon us. Around this time of year, the first wild flowers start to show off in the Northern Cape in Namaqualand, then spread southwards through Nieuwoudtville until they reach the West Coast at the end of August. Although this year’s flower season seems to […]

5 Water-Saving Travel Tips!
It should come as absolutely no surprise that South Africa is lacking some water (gigantic understatement). Our dam levels are well below 40% across the board, and dropping fast. Water restrictions have been put in place in all the major metropolitan areas and everyone everywhere is whispering about the neighbour hosing down his Audi every […]

10 ways to keep the kids happy on a roadtrip
Everyone looks forward to the December school holidays. Kids can’t wait to be done with school and parents swop the desk for the beach or a game park. However, there is one thing parents don’t miss about the holiday ─ the tedious trek with the worst back-seat drivers in the world ─ small humans strapped […]