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Kruger National Park South

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Kruger National Park South

Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 2228 reviews.

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Sonop in Marloth

"Dit is 'n heerlike wegbreek van die stad, inteendeel, ons het sommer besluit om ook vir ons 'n plek te koop vir ons aftrede, ons sien vreeslik uit daarna!"

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Serenity Bush Ballads

"Understanding that there has been disruptive rain in the area recently, in my opinion many of the roads are in need of repair."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Majuli River House

"I felt Marloth Park is a piece of heaven on earth. We stayed at Marloth Park before and this was our 2nd time and we still love the place."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Zulwini Tree House

"Die park is baie besig, ek het 'n rustiger park verwag. Daar was baie verkeer en oral het mense rondbeweeg, inaggenome dat dit langnaweek was. Daar was ook 'n bouery naby wat die rus verstoor het - wat seker onvermydelik is. Maar oor die algemeen is dit te besig na my sin en die paaie is op sommige plekke regtig baie sleg."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Inkwazi Place

"Die pad binne Marloth is baie sleg en uitgery. Bourommel is 'n groot probleem. Die diere is 'n groot plus, dis heerlik om so naby die wild te kan wees."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Cheetah Plateau

"We love it there. It's now our 5th time."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Zebra Cottage

"Ingangsbeheer moet opgeskerp word by hekke. Beseerde diere moet na gekyk word en behandel word."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Marlothii Safari House

"Roads in some of the parks are very bad. The security in Marloth Park is not good. No one stopped us at the booms, so basically anyone can enter. We feel this needs to be looked at very seriously"

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

4230 Impala

"Baie mooi. Kan baie besig word. Veral die hoofstraat."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Sweet Thorn House

"Dit wil voorkom of die erwe baie naby mekaar is, die een huis kyk binne die volgende huis vas, sou verwag dat daar meer spasie tussen eiendomme moet wees vir die diere om te kan gemaklik beweeg, tans is die park nog nie vol nie, maar daar is dele waar die huise te naby mekaar is in my opinie. Diere is redelik mak om te voer wat 'n wonderlike ervaring bied aan kinders, van die strate is baie erg beskadig na die reën en sal kan doen met 'n skraap."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South


"Marlothpark is baie lekker. Sal enige iemand aanraai om daar te gaan vakansie hou."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Kruger Cottage

"Amazing, just absolutely amazing!"

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South


"Daar is baie mense wat toegang het wat dit so bietjie onveilig maak."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Nghala Self-catering Holiday Home

"Marlothpark is een van ons gunstelingbestemmings. Ongelukkig is die paaie met elke kuier in 'n slegter toestand as die vorige keer. Dit wil voorkom asof die swaar reën slote spoel wat met elke reënbui net dieper en dieper spoel en nie opgevul word nie. Selfs die pragtige voetpaadjie teen die grensdraad aan die rivier se kant is deesdae plek-plek onbegaanbaar. Ten spyte hiervan is dit 'n wonderlike plek om weg te kom van die stad se geraas en die natuurlewe te besigtig."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Bushveld Symphony

"We're always happy to revisit Marloth Park for the setting, the wonderful accommodation options and proximity to the Kruger National Park. One concern is that the road surfaces do present a problem for saloon-type cars but that could be seen as a blessing as it ensures cautious driving, although we have not yet seen examples of unruly road manners after several visits."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South


"Ons lief Marloth en gaan elke jaar! Dis die beste! My hart verlang na niks in die bos nie."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Impala Lily Kaya

"Nommer een selfsorgbosverblyf in SA. Sal weer gaan so gou moontlik."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Nyeleti Villa

"Sal graag meer male daar wil kuier. Mooi plek so in die bos met die nodige winkels en restaurante."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Impala Lily Kaya

"Marlothpark is beslis die beste vakansiebestemming vir natuurliefhebbers wat naby die Krugerwildtuin wil ontspan en die stilte wil ervaar. Verblyf is bekostigbaar en daar is heelwat aktiwiteite. Die winkeltjies is ook baie gerieflik met groot verskeidenheid, vir al daai nodigste goedjies. Sal weer en weer die pragtige plek besoek. Marlothpark voel soos ons 2de tuiste."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Kudus Crest Bush Retreat

"We love Marloth Park as Kruger Park is accessible and we found that we could have a quiet day at home in the pool and the next day a trip to Kruger. My kids loved feeding the animals and the location of Kudus Crest is good for listening to animals at night. The local roads in Marloth Park are not good and a suitable car is preferable to drive all the roads."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Marloth Getaway

"Perfect location for Kruger Park visitors."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Hyenas Call

"A great destination for resting and relaxing in the bushveld, with lots of wildlife to be seen from the comfort of your accommodation."

Marloth Park, Kruger National Park South

Ndlovu Rest

"Wonderlike wegbreek. Rustig en vriendelik."

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