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Maloti Route

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Maloti Route

Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 3920 reviews.

Ficksburg, Maloti Route

Die Kersiehuis

"Dis 'n pragtige omgewing, maar die paaie is lewensgevaarlik."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Il Castello

"Die natuurskoon slaan jou asem weg."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Paddocks 6

"We got the chance to pop in a few places in Clarens. Everyone was friendly and very welcoming."

Fouriesburg, Maloti Route

Meiringskloof Nature Park

"Pad tussen Bethlehem en Fouriesburg is in baie slegte toestand. Ry eerder Clarens om. Bring jou eie goed, want daar is nie n supermark in die dorp nie."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Piccolo Nido

"Ons het Clarens baie geniet, dit was net hartseer om te sien hoe 'loadshedding' die dorp en die besighede daar benadeel."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Gable Cottages No. 4

"Kan gerus iets aan die paaie in sentrum doen."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Rebellie Gaste Plaas - Loslit

"Village is lovely for the day with shops and restaurants to enjoy."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Villa 176 @ Clarens

"Asemrowende natuurtonele. Baie stil area waar mens lekker kan ontspan. Sommige van die winkels buit besoekers uit met pryse wat bo die mark is, gelukkig is daar meer as een opsie."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Die Kruik

"Love Clarens en sal oor en oor weer Clarens besoek."

Fouriesburg, Maloti Route

Meiringskloof Nature Park

"Jackal's Hill se kaas in Reitzstraat is 'n besoek werd. Heerlikste kaas en kouevleisplatters."

Clarens, Maloti Route


"Some restaurants are a little overpriced but I presume they need to cover quiet periods and the cost of running generators, very clean and have a vast selection of BnBs, self-catering units, shops, restaurants, galleries, and outdoor activities, all in all, a plesant town to visit."

Clarens, Maloti Route

De Ark Mountain Lodge

"A great experience, Clarens is a gem! 10 of 10 for hospitality. All the service providers we encountered throughout the weekend were really friendly, professional and accommodating. The locals were very helpful as well. Special shout out to Michelle and Neels at Maluti Tours! We will definitely be back!"

Maloti Route

The Cabin Rustic Cottages and Guest Farm

"Die paaie in die area is maar sleg en ry moeilik met 'n klein motor."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Lake Clarens Guest House

"Pragtige dorpie. Lieflike omgewing, heerlike snuffelwinkeltjies. Verskeidenheid eetplekkies. Die busstop op pad Golden Gate toe is 'n lafenis vir die siel. Lieflike mense en kosbare kuns."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Hannic's Retreat

"Very nice little town with a lots of to do. But please Clarens municipality! Invest in your own electricity supply for the whole town, so everything could continue without the "Eskom loadshedding" circus. If so - you get 5 stars."

Rosendal, Maloti Route

Gumtree Cottage

"Restaurant se diens is stadig en dorp het nie water nie, maar lekker vir wegkom."

Fouriesburg, Maloti Route

Meiringskloof Nature Park

"Clarens se minder aantreklike boetie, maar ons het die area vreeslik geniet."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Royal Coachman Lodge

"Fantastiese naweekwegbreek. Die dorpie fokus op toerisme en het 'n sterk gemeenskapsgevoel. Lekker restaurante en pragtige uitsigte. Beplan egter langer reistyd na jou bestemming om rustig te reis, vir 'n veilige reis. Paaie het vreeslik baie slaggate op pad, maar is begaanbaar op 'n stadiger spoed."

Rosendal, Maloti Route

Witteberg Cottage

"Rosendal het my verwagtinge oortref! Ek reël reeds my volgende besoek. Ons het so welkom gevoel daar. Baie lekker geëet by elke plek, en nog lekkerder saam met die plaaslike mense gekuier en geleer. Die restaurante daar sal maklik 'n groter dorp s'n ore aansit."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Cottage Pie

"Love Clarens. A warm and friendly town."

Clarens, Maloti Route


"A lovely place to visit. Loved all the shops and restaurants. Well-defined hiking trails. Something special for all. Well worth a visit."

Clarens, Maloti Route


"Lekker plekkie."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Rooiberg View Clarens

"Clarens is expensive, and unfortunately overrated. I would appreciate more things to do, not just shopping, and the occasional extreme sport."

Rosendal, Maloti Route

Witteberg Cottage

"Small town with limited activities, do not expect to have a quick run in town, you will only find famous paintings, two restaurants and two small stores. You will fall in love with the view and townspeople, the great news is that all the public places are dog friendly."

Clarens, Maloti Route


"Sal altyd lief bly vir Clarens."

Clarens, Maloti Route

RiverWalk Guest House

"Beautiful setting, but the roads in the town need some serious rehabilitation."

Ficksburg, Maloti Route

The Victoria House

"Die dorp is vuil en die strate vol slaggate."

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