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Maloti Route

All reviews have been left by TravelGround customers staying in Maloti Route

Rated 4.6 out of 5 based on 3920 reviews.

Clarens, Maloti Route

Forest Lane

"Dis 'n lieflike plek!"

Clarens, Maloti Route


"Wonderlike natuurskoon met lieflike restaurante en winkeltjies."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Birch Cottage

"We enjoyed the shops, restaurants, and beautiful mountains on the road to Golden Gate."

Clarens, Maloti Route

V'Kansi Khaya

"Pragtige omgewing en interessante dorp om so 2 of 3 dae te spandeer."

Maloti Route

Emden Bass

"Die paaie van Bethlehem af is maar beroerd, veral na Fouriesburg en Ficksburg se kant toe. Die Vrystaatse regering sal moet dink aan herstelwerk as hulle toerisme wil bevorder."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Clarens Valley Lodge

"Clarens is beautiful and combines the best restaurants, quirky shops and surrounding natural beauty."

Ficksburg, Maloti Route

Gewel Guesthouse

"A good travel destination that has a limited entertainment experience."

Clarens, Maloti Route


"Clarens is my absolute gunsteling plek."

Clarens, Maloti Route

The Attic & Below

"Pragtige dorp, met die vriendlikeste mense. Baie om te sien en sal definitief die kaas proe aanbeveel!"

Rosendal, Maloti Route

Witteberg Cottage

"Al negatiewe aspek is die feit dat die Vrystaat se regering geen moeite doen om die paaie in stand te hou nie en dus is die reis na Rosendal per geleentheid baie stadig."

Clarens, Maloti Route

By the Way Guesthouse

"Beautiful clean and pretty little town."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Domaine Sérénité

"Great destination with many activities - should suit most."

Clarens, Maloti Route

V'Kansi Khaya

"'n Absolute juweel, met baie om te doen of net rustig te wees."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Thaba Lapeng Mountain Escape

"Altyd 'n lekker wegbreek. Dorp se infrastruktuur word onderhou. Winkels sukkel steeds na Covid met afname in toeriste, maar is steeds mooi en die moeite werd. Die omgewing lyk goed. Golden Gate was die besonders mooi na goeie reën. Baie beperkte inkopies vir selfsorg, gaan voorbereid en geniet Vrystaatse gasvryheid in die baie mooi area."

Clarens, Maloti Route

The Dock

"Absolutely wonderful place to unwind and relax."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Clifton Plaas Huis

"Lekker staproetes in Clarens."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Piccolo Nido

"Beautiful scenic views, enjoyed the little quaint town."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Amber Selfsorg

"Very busy little town."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Birch Cottage

"So baie om te doen in so min tyd. Ons was daar vir 5 dae en het nogsteeds nie by alles uitgekom nie. Sien julle weer."

Rosendal, Maloti Route

Rus & Dal

"The road to get to Rosendal is a problem with all the pot holes. You need a big high vehicle to get there."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Lake Clarens Guest House

"Een van ons gunstelingplekke."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Cloud Shadow Cottages

"Fun, artsy town, if you want to hike you must buy a hiking license."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Cloud Shadow Cottages

"Clarens is 'n oulike dorpie met die mooiste natuur en oulike winkels en eetplekke. Mense is baie vriendelik."

Clarens, Maloti Route

Old Mill Drift Guest Farm

"Interresante dorpie met baie mooi en lekker eet en doen."

Rosendal, Maloti Route

Rus & Dal

"Roads are a bit tricky but manageable with two-wheel drive. Very tranquil stay. Beautiful wedding venue."

Ficksburg, Maloti Route

Gewel Guesthouse

"Dit is jammer dat so 'n mooi dorp, soos orals, deur swak paaie beduiwel word."

Ficksburg, Maloti Route

Bella Rosa Guest House

"Omdat ons net oorgeslaap het, is 'n billike evaluering nie moontlik nie. Daar is wel 'n aangename restaurant net om die hoek. Die strate is in 'n haglike toestand."

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