Peaceful Garden Accommodation
Review Summary
Thedo V - Feb 2025
Overall rating
Nice oornag plekkie, sien my weer.
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Nice overnight spot, see you again.
Neat, practical layout, beautiful garden, warm welcome by Rodger, safe, cute dogs and children. Nice stay.
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Ericka V - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Heerlike rustige tuin met lieflike gaste-eenheid. Lekker sentraal.
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Lovely peaceful garden with lovely guest unit. Nice central.
Plateland hospitable reception. Had such a nice stay. Will definitely use the accommodation again.
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Chantelle B - Sep 2024
Overall rating
An oasis in the Northern Cape!
Carien J - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Fantasties. Waarde vir geld.
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Fantastic. Value for money.
Fantastic. Highly recommend. Very neat, comfortable and peaceful. Have an air fryer!
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Marie B - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Drie pluspunte.
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Three plus points.
The unit is in a beautiful garden. Three pluses - an air fryer (we bought homemade pies for dinner along the way), a mirror near the hair dryer power point (few hotels/guesthouses are set up like this) and the queen size bed. There are also braai facilities, a well-equipped kitchenette and tasteful decor.
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Deleyn R - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Eenvoudig fantasties gebly en kon heerlik uitrus na 'n lang reis.
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Simply fantastic stay and was able to rest wonderfully after a long journey.
Second time we stayed there. The hostess is very friendly and helpful. Glad they are building extra units. The accommodation is luxurious and well furnished. The view is beautiful and you simply get peace of mind. Would definitely recommend this as a place to stay.
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Sanet D - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Rustig, ontspanne, ag sommer net puik!
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Calm, relaxed, oh just great!
Lovely stay, clean, tidy, modernly furnished! Full marks for this place!
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Stephanie G - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Milten A - Jun 2024
Overall rating
Milten A - May 2024
Overall rating
Jan M - Apr 2024
Overall rating
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It was certainly the best overnight accommodation we have ever been to. It was very clean and tidy. Everything one needs is in the unit. The host was very friendly.
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Susan N - Feb 2024
Overall rating
Was baie warm, maar die lugversorger het baie gehelp.
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Was very hot, but the air conditioner helped a lot.
Wow, what a nice peaceful house. The reception was very good and the management by the workers was very good. Enjoyed it with the dogs who were very well behaved. Will go there again.
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Johann H - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Ons het die oorbly baie geniet. Pragtige omgewing en voortreflike verblyf.
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We really enjoyed the stay. Beautiful surroundings and excellent accommodation.
It was absolutely delicious.
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Rudicer C - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Dit was baie heerlik om die naweek daar te kon spandeer tussen so 'n mooi atmosfeer.
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It was very wonderful to be able to spend the weekend there in such a beautiful atmosphere.
It was very peaceful and nice.
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Gerda V - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Vrede en rustigheid.
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Peace and tranquility.
Lovely, peaceful surroundings that make you forget about city life. The garden and atmosphere that is created is so nice and makes you relax. Roger is a friendly host who knows everything and is very helpful.
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Heather K - Dec 2024
Overall rating
Great overnight stay!
Marisha H - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Netjies, skoon, lekker bad!
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Neat, clean, nice bath!
Very nice stay! It was a neat and clean home.
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Ericka V - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Lieflike rustige akkommodasie.
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Lovely peaceful accommodation.
Secure parking, friendly reception, lovely veranda overlooking a leafy green garden. Would definitely recommend the accommodation. Value for money.
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Herman C - Oct 2023
Overall rating
Great stay!
Willmary W - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Pragtige uitsig, rustige atmosfeer.
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Beautiful view, peaceful atmosphere.
I would definitely use Peaceful Garden Cottage again. It is peaceful and beautiful and definitely value for money. Just a pity that the time was so short.
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Zelma D - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Een woord. Amazing. Beste diens wat ons nog ooit ervaar het.
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One word. Amazing. Best service we have ever experienced.
Adrie is a wonderful person, with the right temperament to run a guest house. She went out of her way to accommodate us - a friendly person who is helpful. Our comfort was her priority at all times.
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David J - Sep 2023
Overall rating
A quiet, safe and comfortable stop-over.
Henry L - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Very neat and tidy.
Alyssa P - Aug 2023
Overall rating
Rustige oornagverblyf!
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Peaceful overnight stay!
Clean, modern, comfortable. All you need. Friendly owners and cute dogs.
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Sanja C - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Een van die beste plekke!
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One of the best places!
Thank you very much! It really was a Peaceful Garden Cottage! We had a great stay! Als was just perfect!
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Anthony B - Jul 2023
Overall rating
The name says it all, combined with great owners. Wonderful combination.
Morne N - Jun 2023
Overall rating
Skoon, netjies, gasvry.
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Clean, tidy, hospitable.
The cottage has everything and more that one needs. Clean and tidy. Very modern and private.
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Jenine D - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Lekker rustig.
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Nice and quiet.
We sleep very well every time. Very peaceful, safe and comfortable!
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Joos R - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Peaceful, soos die naam sê.
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Peaceful, as the name says.
Very kindly received by Adri. Everything needed for an overnight stay is available. Overnight again anytime.
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Trienie L - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Veilig en rustig.
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Safe and quiet.
Very peaceful environment. Unit is neat and located in a beautiful garden. Was also fully equipped for load shedding.
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Janneke L - Mar 2023
Overall rating
Uitstekende oornagverblyf!
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Excellent overnight stay!
The unit is extremely neat, clean and very modern. Everything one needs! Will definitely recommend.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Hi Janneke, baie dankie. Ons is so bly julle het die tydjie by ons geniet en dankie vir die mooi resensie.
Johan S - Feb 2023
Overall rating
Na 10 ure se ry was dit soos om by 'n oase uit te kom.
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After 10 hours of driving it was like arriving at an oasis.
We were received hospitably and the accommodation was five star. Luxurious and comfortable.
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Lizette V - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Huis weg van jou eie huis.
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Home away from home.
Tranquility of the beautiful garden and rippling water is salve for the soul. Linen and towels are some of the best.
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Vivian D - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Friendly, quiet surroundings.
Fanie S - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Great, net so klein bietjie gras by toekamp as 'n mens klein hondjies saambring.
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Great, just as little grass at camp if you bring small dogs with you.
Very neat and helpful management.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Ons is baie bly Julle het lekker gebly- ons is egter glad nie ingerig vir hondjies nie en was n spesiale vergunning om julle te help.
Elsabè B - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Baie lekker en 'n goeie nagrus.
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Very nice and a good night's rest.
Clean room and cozy. Quiet environment.
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Ogopoleng D - Nov 2022
Overall rating
Rebaone B - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Our stay was great, loved the area.
Chantelle B - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Sal beslis aanbeveel.
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Would definitely recommend.
This was the nicest place we've ever stayed on a weekend away from home. Quiet and peaceful environment with the friendliest service from Adri. The cottage was extremely neat and clean and we would recommend it to everyone who needs to spend the night or stay in that area. All we can say is thank you very much.
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Wilma V - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Heerlike ruim verblyf. Skoon en netjies. Pragtige uitsig oor die Gasheer se tuin. Alles wat rustig is.
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Lovely spacious accommodation. Clean and tidy. Beautiful view of the Host's garden. All that is peaceful.
Neat accommodation. Secure parking and the whole atmosphere is peaceful and private.
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Marthie V - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Baie lekker dankie.
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Thank you very much.
We had a great time in beautiful surroundings.
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Louis V - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Baie rustige, veilige, oorslaapplek.
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Very peaceful, safe, place to sleep.
Unit very neat. Conveniently located and very quiet environment.
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Ria V - May 2022
Overall rating
Dit was wonderlik.
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It was wonderful.
Everyone was very hospitable. Made a lot of effort for us. Apartment is beautiful and clean. Couldn't have asked for more.
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Eileen V - May 2022
Overall rating
Uit en uit waarde vir geld.
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Out and out value for money.
Lovely place. Thank you Adri for your kindness and generous reception.
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Mr. S - Apr 2022
Overall rating
The name perfectly describes it.
Yolandie V - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Baie lekker blyplek. Rustig en voel amper soos plaas in die dorp.
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Very nice place to stay. Quiet and almost feels like a farm in town.
Very peaceful, perfect place for an overnight stay.
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Sandra P - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Gerieflike oorslaapplekkie op 'n lang road-trip.
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Comfortable place to sleep on a long road trip.
The single apartment is on a beautiful plot with the most beautiful garden. It's very peaceful and quiet. Roger received us and made us feel at home while the hostess was on vacation. There is an air conditioner in the room, but otherwise no ventilation unless you leave the door open. It was too hot for us at night as we don't sleep with an aircon on. Luckily, we always pack a regular sheet when we travel for those warm nights where only thick duvets are available. Otherwise, everything was very nice and quiet and the security good with safe parking for the car. Thank you very much.
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Bessie P - Feb 2022
Overall rating
Wonderlik, rustig en pragtig.
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Wonderful, peaceful and beautiful.
We stayed 5 nights. The cottage is great, everything is of the best quality and modern, with an air conditioner which was a big bonus. Roger was an excellent host. We really enjoyed the dog children Levy and Dino, as well as the 2 cats. The garden is a loop court and so peaceful and quiet. Will definitely recommend it.
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Johan P - Jan 2022
Overall rating
Rustig en netjies in lowerryke tuin.
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Quiet and tidy in leafy garden.
Wonderful experience. Neat and clean and everything you need for a pleasant stay. Would definitely recommend it.
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Jaco R - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Baie netjies.
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Very neat.
The gardener welcomed us well and helped where he could. The owner only seen the next morning in passing. The dogs are beautiful and loving.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Hi Jaco, Jammer ek was nie betrokke genoeg nie, ek het Bosluiskoors gekry en was nie myself nie. Ek hoop nie julle het enige ongerief gehad nie - Rodger bly baie in ons huis en bestuur die gastehuis as ons nie hier is nie. Hy help gewoonlik gaste met alles wat hulle nodig het.
Prof Kobus L - Feb 2022
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The hostess and her help, Rodger, are very friendly and helpful. Only complaint is chicken camp in front of unit. The rooster wakes you up early, while you actually still want to sleep. It might be a bit inconsiderate to have a rooster so close to a residential unit. Furthermore, we had a very nice stay. Thank you very much for everything.
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Joharina G - Nov 2022
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It was clean, comfortable, well appointed and pleasant.
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Thuto T - Oct 2022
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Quintin T - Sep 2022
Overall rating
Bitter netjies en aangename gashere.
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Very tidy and pleasant hosts.
So pleasantly surprised with the town and guest house. Cleanliness is 100 percent.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Ons probeer altyd ons bes by al ons instanties om ons gaste welkom te laat voel en net die beste diens te gee- hoop ons Sien Julle binnenkort by The View in Langebaan of Rivers End Farm in Stanford
Lisetta J - Mar 2022
Overall rating
Die plek was goed ingerig.
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The place was well appointed.
We were received in a friendly and professional manner.
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Hennie B - Aug 2022
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It could have been a very pleasant stay if only it had been clean and tidy. Cleanliness is first priority. The smell of smoke was a nuisance to a non-smoker and unpleasant.
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Johan D - Nov 2021
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Beautiful clean place. Hostess very friendly. Close to shops.
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Riana A - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Uitstekende plek.
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Excellent place.
Beautiful place quiet just what we needed after long hours on the road. Puppies are beautiful and friendly.
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Dirk J - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Soos 'n kamer in 'n boetiekhotel.
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Like a room in a boutique hotel.
If the Tourism Board were handing out stars for overnight rooms, Peaceful Garden Cottage would get five. The cottage is situated in a beautiful, water-rich garden next to an irrigation canal. The spacious room and equally large en-suite bathroom are modern and the finish, as well as the linen and fittings, are of top quality. We were not in a hurry and had so much fun on the porch that we stayed an extra night.
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Maryna L - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Goeie nagrus.
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Good night's rest.
We stayed one night. Good value for money. Very comfortably furnished. Will definitely recommend.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie, ons hoop ons sien julle gou weer.
Tom M - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Veilig, gerieflik en netjies.
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Safe, comfortable and tidy.
Looked at various places to stay in the area. One of the most reasonable and undoubtedly recommended for overnight guests.
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Johan V - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Netjiese en gerieflike oorslaapplek. Ontvangs was goed.
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Neat and comfortable place to sleep. Reception was good.
Was able to relax after a long journey. Would recommend anytime.
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Hester V - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Baie mooi, skoon en netjies.
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Very nice, clean and tidy.
We were informed ahead of time with a WhatsApp by whom and where we would be received. Stompie received us kindly and accompanied us to our place of residence. It is located in a beautiful garden. Very peaceful, almost felt like being at the sea with the rippling canal flowing past.
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Gerda V - Oct 2021
Overall rating
Baie mooi plek.
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Very nice place.
It's beautiful and luxurious, friendly welcome. Very tidy, beautiful garden and very quiet and peaceful.
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Josias B - Sep 2021
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Lorinda G - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Dit was net 'n oornag-rusplek vir ons, sal dit vir seker aanbeveel.
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This was just an overnight stop for us, would definitely recommend.
We were received hospitably by Adri and 2 large friendly dogs. You will find everything you need. Lovely bed and linen, large bathroom. We slept great but unfortunately had to hit the road early the next morning. Think 2 days to explore the area would have been ideal actually. Village surrounded by vineyards, a feast for the eyes in the rest of the dry environment.
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Diane M - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Mooi, gemaklik en verwelkomend. Na 'n lang dag op die pad was dit ontspannend.
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Beautiful, comfortable and welcoming. After a long day on the road it was relaxing.
Reception was good and friendly. Makes you feel welcome immediately. Room was clean, tidy and much better than a tent.
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Marelize S - Aug 2021
Overall rating
Baie netjies en rustige atmosfeer.
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Very neat and calm atmosphere.
We stayed 2 nights. We were received very kindly and accommodation was in a beautiful 'cottage'. Highly recommend.
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Ezna R - May 2021
Overall rating
Baie mooi skoon en baie netjies.
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Very nice clean and very neat.
Enjoyed your dogs and the cat also came to say hello. It's a really cute cottage and we slept well.
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Martin L - Mar 2021
Overall rating
Pragtige plek, goed toegerus en netjies!
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Beautiful place, well equipped and tidy!
See stars.
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Petra1 M - Nov 2021
Overall rating
Aangename, skoon en netjiese verblyf, met veilige parkering in rustige omgewing.
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Pleasant, clean and tidy accommodation, with secure parking in peaceful surroundings.
The beautiful garden a green loop court for the dusk evening braai on the stoepie.
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Terry M - Sep 2021
Overall rating
Nice large room with all facilities. Very nice.
Marié A - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Baie netjies en rustig.
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Very neat and quiet.
Calm atmosphere after long journey. Hostess very hospitable.
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Marcia V - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Daar is die mooiste diere!!
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There are the most beautiful animals!!
What a beautiful luxurious little place located in a loop court of a garden! If you are an animal lover, just leave your gate open... It was a wonderful experience and an excellent hostess! Thanks for that!!
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie vir jul pragtige resensie - hoop om julle weer as gaste te kan ontvang.
Sonette H - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Peaceful, beautiful, friendly, stunning dogs, safe, worth staying here, 5 stars.
Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Hi Sonette, thanks for you beautiful review - it would be lovely to see you again
Isabella M - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Accommodation was lovely and very neat.
Lydia R - Sep 2020
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This was the second time we stayed here. Just like the first time, everything was perfect. Thank you very much Adri for a wonderful visit!
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie Lydia, ek hoop julle kom bly gou weer by ons.
Annette J - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Pragtige plek waar mens rus en vrede het.
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Beautiful place where you have peace and quiet.
I would recommend Peaceful Garden Cottage anytime. The place is stylish, painfully neat, very comfortable and located in a quiet place. The people are friendly and the service is great.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie - julle is altyd welkom - kom bly gerus wees
Groete Johannes en Adri
Lydia R - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Net een woord "perfek" kan ons verblyf by Adri beskryf.
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Only one word "perfect" can describe our stay at Adri's.
Adri is a wonderful hostess. There was nothing missing and everything was done very tastefully and stylishly. There was even a carafe of sweet wine for us which we definitely needed after our long journey from Pta. We will definitely stay here again if we travel in this direction again.
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Anne Marie F - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Baie lekker gebly.
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Very nice stay.
It is very well located and the hostess is very helpful.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
So bly julle het lekker gebly - kom kuier gou weer.
Frans En Zelda K - Aug 2020
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Beautiful and comfortable. Outstanding service by Adri and her family. Definitely value for money. Thank you very much Adri, it was a privilege to be able to stay with you.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Hi Zelda, julle is so welkom om weer te kom kuier.
Dankie vir die mooi resensie.
Johannes Adri en Nicola
Ronelle G - Aug 2020
Overall rating
Dit was die beste oornagplek!
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It was the best place to stay!
The unit was excellent, the hostess very helpful and spoiled us thoroughly. The dogs looked after us and are very friendly. Definitely a stopover to recommend.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Hi Ronelle , baie dankie vir die mooi resensie, en dankie dat julle ons diere kinders so geniet het
Kom kuier weer
Johannes en Adri
Petrus A - Mar 2020
Overall rating
Die ontvangs is uitstekend en die huis is baie netjies en skoon.
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The reception is excellent and the house is very neat and clean.
The people are very friendly and the dogs on the premises are beautiful. They are friendly and the garden is really beautiful and peaceful. It was really fun to visit Peaceful Garden Cottage.
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Marvin M - Jan 2020
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We felt very welcome with the meeting. Everything was neat. It is a beautiful and peaceful place. I recommend the Peaceful Garden Cottage to anyone who just wants to relax and forget about problems.
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Leonard S - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Alles is baie netjies en goeie kwaliteit
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Everything is very neat and good quality
What a beautiful place. The accommodation is beautiful and everything is there, down to a glass of wine on arrival. The garden is also so beautifully maintained
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie vir jul pragtige resensie - hoop om julle weer as gaste te kan ontvang - so bly julle het ons dierekinders ook geniet
Hannalien M - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Baie smaakvol en netjies.
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Very tasteful and neat.
The garden house is tastefully furnished and very neat and clean. The view over the garden creates a relaxed atmosphere.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie vir jul pragtige resensie - hoop om julle weer as gaste te kan ontvang.
Sonet M - Sep 2020
Overall rating
Peaceful Garden net soos naam sê.
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Peaceful Garden just as the name says.
Adri is a very pleasant hostess. Ideal overnight stay for Augrabies.
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Peaceful Garden Accommodation 's response
Baie dankie vir jul pragtige resensie - hoop om julle weer as gaste te kan ontvang.
Natasha L - Oct 2020
Overall rating
Not recommended for independent traveler or city dweller.
Liesl W - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Central, tranquil with lush garden and comfortable.
Cora S - Dec 2019
Overall rating
Johannes O - Oct 2019
Overall rating
Tyd was te kort vir sulke lekker verblyf.
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Time was too short for such a nice stay.
Would recommend the accommodation to my family and friends anytime. Adri and Johannes, thank you for your kindness.
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Susan K - Sep 2019
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The place is very comfortable and very neat and clean. Had a lovely stay.
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Christa B - Sep 2019
Overall rating
Pragtige plek met vriendelike en gasvrye eienaar.
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Beautiful place with friendly and hospitable owner.
Possible option for kitchen sink.
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Elsie B - Sep 2019
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We had a great stay. The place is very nice, clean and safe. We were very kindly received. And enjoyed a wonderful night's rest. Thank you so much Adri.
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- Capacity: 6 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: 5 Meul Crescent, Kakamas, 8870, Northern Cape