Sunrise C-View
Review Summary
Melanie V - Dec 2024
Overall rating
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This is a beautiful place. We would stay another 2 months if we could. The view is breathtaking. It is walking distance to the beach and shopping center. We will definitely go again next year and definitely for longer.
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Alma P - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Baie goed.
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Very good.
It was an excellent unit. Lovely decor and very well equipped. Because it is on a high floor, the sea view is unobstructed. Will stay there again for sure.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Dankie Alma
Baie bly julle het dit geniet. Hoop julle kom weer.
Anonymous Guest - Nov 2024
Overall rating
Very nice selection.
Yes it was very nice everything 100.
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Michael J - Feb 2025
Overall rating
Very nice stay but no regard to personal information.
Read moreSunrise C-View 's response
Good day
Your concern is noted.
It is a double-edged sword as we also have to ensure the person that booked is the person that is taking occupation.
Booking into the unit involves security at reception and to ensure that the correct person is checking in we require a photo of your driver's licence or ID. You did provide it eventually with some of the numbers in the ID blurred out, which was totally acceptable.
I hope that it did not spoil the experience.
Gerhardt D - Oct 2024
Overall rating
Die instap in die woonstel het die verblyf die moeite werd gemaak met 'n wonderlike.
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Walking into the apartment made the stay worthwhile with a wonderful.
It was definitely worth it and would definitely recommend.
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Lydia W - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Lovely unit. Kind and helpful host. Enjoyable stay.
Sunrise C-View 's response
Glad you enjoyed the stay. Hope to see you again!
Gideon B - Apr 2024
Overall rating
Verfrissend, sielvernuwend.
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Refreshing, soul renewing.
We enjoyed it very much. The place is cute. We will see you again.
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Johan S - Mar 2024
Overall rating
Het tuis gevoel, weg van die huis.
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Felt at home, away from home.
Everything we needed was there, will definitely go back again.
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Nadia J - Jan 2024
Overall rating
Fantastiese vakansie gehad! Sal beslis weer by Sunrise C-View bly.
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Had a fantastic holiday! Will definitely stay at Sunrise C-View again.
Lovely, neat and clean accommodation, close to the beach and shops. Beautiful view of the sea.
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Le M - Sep 2024
Overall rating
Pragtige netjiese woonstel met mooiste see uitsig.
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Beautiful neat apartment with the most beautiful sea view.
We enjoyed staying in this neat apartment with a beautiful view. Would highly recommend the stay.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Baie dankie, ons sien uit om julle weer te ontvang.
Johan B - Aug 2024
Overall rating
Sal definitief aanbeveel.
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Will definitely recommend.
Very nice stay. Fantastic view. Clean and tidy. However, the kitten in the master bedroom belongs in an oxcart and not in a luxury apartment.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Dankie Johan vir die terugvoer. Ons kan aan die bed iets doen. Ek is egter bekommerd dat jy ons net 2 gegee het vir netheid? Groete
Justin F - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Een vir die boeke.
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One for the books.
Was very nice. The place has a terrible view and the apartment is very neat and clean.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Dankie Justin
Bly julle het dit geniet. Hoop julle kom weer.
Willem R - Sep 2023
Overall rating
Alles is naby, alles is lekker, alles is netjies.
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Everything is close, everything is nice, everything is neat.
The apartment is very tidy with everything you need to enjoy the weekend or holiday.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Baie dankie, Willem. Hoop om julle weer te sien.
Helia W - Jul 2023
Overall rating
Hemelse verblyf in pragtige Ballito.
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Heavenly accommodation in beautiful Ballito.
Talk about carefree vacationing! The apartment is beautifully clean, comfortable and modern with a breathtaking view. The house bowl is a great asset, especially during load shedding. The security is friendly and helpful. The 3 entrances to the site are very convenient whether you want to go to Checkers quickly or go to the beach. We can recommend the unit with confidence.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Helia, baie dankie vir die goeie terugvoer. Bly julle het dit geniet. Hoop om julle weer te sien.
Willem R - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Alles wat 'n gesin nodig het om 'n langnaweek te geniet.
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Everything a family needs to enjoy a long weekend.
See stars.
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Johann M - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Baie mooi uitsig.
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Very nice view.
Beautiful clean place with breathtaking view. A must-stay in Balito.
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Connie D - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Ons het baie lekker gekuier en gebly.
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We had a great time and stay.
Will book there again.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Lekker om dit te hoor. Baie dankie.
Samantha E - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Beach vibes.
Sunrise C-View 's response
We are so glad that you enjoyed your stay. Thank you for the kind words. Hope to see you again. Regards
Karischa K - Jan 2023
Overall rating
Read moreSunrise C-View 's response
It is fantastic to hear that you enjoyed your stay. Thank you for the great review. Hope to see you soon again. Regards
Charmaine V - Dec 2023
Overall rating
Lieflike eenheid met alles wat jy nodig sal kry tydens jou vakansie.
Read more
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Lovely unit with everything you will need during your holiday.
The apartment was comfortably furnished and everything was clean and tidy. The complex's one elevator was mostly out of order and because the unit is on the 11th floor, we sometimes waited very long. The unit is nice and close to the beach and there is a shopping center within walking distance of the unit. The coffee machine was a bonus. The load shedding was very inconvenient, especially at night, because there is a large generator running all the time for the elevator to work and it is very loud and disturbing, but I realize the owner has no control over it.
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Riaan S - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Wonderlike selfsorgeenheid met baie ruimte, alle fasiliteite. Die eenheid het 'n prag uitkyk oor die Indiese Oseaan. Naby aan alle winkels en fasiliteite geleë. Die eenheid is modern en spoggerig.
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Wonderful self-catering unit with lots of space, all facilities. The unit has a beautiful view over the Indian Ocean. Located close to all shops and facilities. The unit is modern and fancy.
Was great.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Baie dankie Riaan, vir die goeie terugvoer. Hoop om julle weer te sien.
Ayanda M - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Well maintained, mordern apartment.
Colette C - Apr 2023
Overall rating
Luilekker en rustig.
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Lazy and peaceful.
Neat place to stay, everything needed is there. Beautiful sea view.
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Francois S - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Baie pret.
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Lots of fun.
Very happy with Sunrise C-View! Definitely worth it. Very good stay.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Dankie vir die goeie woorde. Hoop om julle weer te sien.
Tarina S - Oct 2022
Overall rating
Wat 'n pragtige eenheid. Daar is soveel moeite gedoen.
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What a beautiful unit. So much effort has been put into it.
Beautifully appointed unit. I will move there too.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Baie dankie vir die gawe woorde. Ons hoop julle kan ons weer besoek.
Karen F - Jun 2022
Overall rating
Easy, gorgeous view, clean.
Sunrise C-View 's response
Thank you for the feedback.
Unfortunately our cleaning services misunderstood our instructions but I believe clean bedding was available and the apartments was clean.
I am glad you enjoyed your stay.
Dennis W - Dec 2022
Overall rating
Dit was 'n aangename kuier in 'n netjiese plek.
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It was a pleasant visit in a neat place.
See stars.
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Ragel J - Aug 2022
Overall rating
Het dit baie geniet, maar glad nie veilig gevoel met 'n 3 jarige kind so hoog nie.
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Really enjoyed it, but didn't feel safe at all with a 3 year old child so high.
More accurate description of where it is located and not at all safe for children under 10.
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Sunrise C-View 's response
Dankie Hans vir jou boodskap. Ek het gedink dat die fotos tog n goeie idee sou gee van hoe hoog dit is. Die omheining is egter baie stewig en voldoen aan al die veiligheids standaarde, maar ek sal n punt van dit maak om dit uit te wys dat dit op die 11e vloer is.
Hoop om julle weer te sien.
- Free cancellation up to 1 week before your stay!
- Capacity: 4 people
- All ages welcome
Check-in: 14:00 to 19:00
Check-out: 10:00 - Address: Jack Powell Road, La Ballito 1104, Ballito, 4399, KwaZulu-Natal